Technical Manuals

Genius Translation Technical Manual Translation

A technical manual is a complicated document. It might include guidance for use, specifications, safety instructions, and details about various parts and mechanisms. Technical manuals are used in a variety of fields and disciplines. These include engineering, automotive medical equipment and supplies, aviation, and other areas. When items of a technical nature are shipped to or sold in other countries, the manuals that are included with them must be translated. Ensuring that these translations are accurate is of utmost importance. This includes both consumer goods and items purchased by businesses.

We recognize that maintaining absolute accuracy in the translation of technical manuals. This is because these documents provide information on how to properly install, assemble, use, and operate a variety of items. The information contained within these can impact health, safety, and profitability. When we receive a request to translate a technical manual, we take extra steps to ensure the assigned translator is up to the task. We will not assign these translation projects to anybody who does not have a background in the industry related to that request. In addition to this, if there are certifying bodies or standards established by a particular industry or country, we ensure that the translator is fully qualified and has any required certifications. We understand that both the client’s and our reputation is on the line.

Order Certified Translation of Technical Manuals

Technical Manuals: Translation And Proofreading Services

We strongly encourage anybody ordering a technical manual translation bundle that service with our proofreading services. When they do this, not only will it be translated by an individual who is highly qualified, it will be turned over to another translator to verify that it is grammatically and factually correct, and that it is an accurate copy of the original document. By having two sets of eyes working on one document, clients can confident that their manuals meet the highest standards of accuracy and professionalism.
If you have ever struggled to assemble a piece of furniture or to master a new gadget while fumbling through a badly translated instruction manual, you are not alone. Poor translations are confusing, difficult to follow, and frustrating. We have all been there. Not only is this aggravating for customers, it is bad news for businesses as well. No company wants to upset or frustrate paying customers. It damages their credibility and significantly reduces the chance that customers will return. We work very hard to ensure this does not happen.

Technical Manuals: Guarantee to Manufacturers And Other Businesses

In the event that a translation request is complicated or there is a need to get it done urgently, we will remain committed to the highest quality standards along with our commitment to meet deadlines. This may mean that we will assign a team of translations professionals to your request. This ensure that we can provide your translation in a timely manner without sacrificing the quality that you need for quality, customer service, and safety. Whatever it takes to get your translation to you quickly and accurately is our goal.

Ordering Your Technical Manual Translation​

At the time you submit your order to have a technical manual, you will be asked to upload the original document. We will then read that document and determine which translators or team of translators is qualified to do the job. It is only when that is done that we will be able to provide you with a price estimate. Once this is finished, all you will need to do is remit payment. Work will then begin right away.
Once your order is in progress, you can rest easy, Your translation job is being completed by experts who have experience in your industry and a track record of excellence and professionalism.

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